Flood Resistant
It is becoming more common to build on flood planes due to the lack of land. In the event of flash floods, concrete floors dry out easily and quickly and remain in place.
Squeak Resistant
Due to the density of concrete and its limited deflection, concrete floors inherently do not cause sound transmission when walked on.
Pest Resistant
Concrete products are completely resistant to vermin, rot and termites. It is inorganic and of no nutritional interest to pests thus the structure will remain intact for the life of the building.
Fire Resistant
The safety of you and your family are paramount should a fire start. Traditional masonry construction including concrete floors gives four times longer to exit, ie 2 hours protection against 30 minutes for timber. Concrete is inherently fireproof with no need for anti-fire chemical treatment and its thermal capacity absorbs heat from the fire, thus cooling it reducing the rate of spread from ignition to full fire.